Thursday, October 25, 2007

Welcome to Fiction: Writing Right

Writing has been a "take it for granted" talent that I've had from childhood, and it took many years before I realized that the gift was meant to be used for more than my personal pleasure. Since my first novel published in 1998 to the present, I've studied and honed my craft, presented workshops at many Christian conferences across the U.S. (and even one in London, England) and have seen forty novels and novellas accepted for publication, but the calling has not stopped there. I love to share my expertise with others as well as the thoughts and ideas from fellow authors.

My book, Writing the Christain Romance, will be released in December 2007 and can be pre-ordered on This book was a joy to write, but not an easy task as I struggled with which comes first. I found every technique needed to have another technique explained. So with the help of my editors and my persistence, I hope this book will become a handbook for writers of Christian romance or any Christian novel that has romantic elements.

Since many new authors ask a million questions about the techniques of writing good fiction, I hope that this blog will provide some thoughts, techniques and tips on becoming a better writer.

Welcome to Fiction: Writing Right.


Myra Johnson said...

Thanks for announcing your new blog on the FHL loop, Gail. I'm looking forward to catching up with all your posts and learning from an expert! So excited about your new book coming out on Writing the Christian Romance!

Gail Gaymer Martin said...

Hi Myra - You're very welcome. I'm excited to about the Writers Digest book. I hope it blesses many people with techinques that will move them closer to publication.

Thanks for dropping by.