Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ten Ways To Boost Your Writing

A great writer friend, James Scott Bell, lawyer and novelist, also writes books for Writers Digest Books. He also served as a contributing editor for the Writers Digest Magazine. An article from the on-line Writers Digest Magazine posted an article by Jim, called: 10 Disciplines for Fiction Writers posted on February 11, 2008.

Jim Bell provides ten great steps you can take to discipline your writer and move you forward as a professional writer, no matter what kind of writing you do. I thougth his points were worth sharing with you.

Jim opens the article with this: Good writing takes practice, and practice makes perfect! Use this disciplined approach to write your very best.

To read this article, visit:

The article actually appeared in the October 12, 2002 issue of Writers Digest Magazine.


Avily Jerome said...

Thanks for posting that, Gail! Great article!

Brandie said...

Thank you very much for the link! I use his books more than any other references I have, this is definitely an article worth saving.