Saturday, May 23, 2009

Internet Links for Characterization

When I begin working on characterization, I use catalogues for photographs (various poses of the same model in different clothing and sometimes settings) plus I begin to dig into their past. Through the years I've found links that can be very helpful in creating characters and giving them names.

Below is a worsheet, I often distribute to conferees at conferences or workshops when I teach. I thought I would share it with you.

Internet Links for Characterization

Creating realistic character’s is a key to writing a good novel. Developing these individuals as fully as you can to make the three-dimensional takes work, but when they are "real" and you know their personality, values, beliefs, and characteristics. Then you can incorporate true to life actions and responses in your novels.
As I create my characters through the years, I have found a number of website links that have proven invaluable in learning more about my character—his personality, his career, his likes and dislikes and even his appearance. I have learned that a character’s name truly reflects who they are.
Below you will find a variety of links that will help you name and create intriguing characters for you upcoming novels. Use your character’s POV to answer the test questions.
This link gives 80,000 male and female baby names with personality traits, health issues, personal relations and business attributed to that name
This site allows you to put in baby names or meanings. Research on baby names and names and personality.
This lists the most 10 popular names between 1880 and the present.
Provides character and personality tests
This site helps you determine a career personality.
This site explorers aspects of characterization or personality, including romantic qualities.
This site offers a variety of free tests on emotion, personality, motivation, relationships, IQ, and more
This site provides many links to tests on careers, psychological and personality tests.
This site provides quizzes, fashion, hairstyles, and information for younger characters.
I find these links helpful in creating characters, and whatever you can do to make your character’s come alive the better. Save these links and use them when you’re creating new characters.


Anonymous said...

bleuditExcellent reseach assistance for links to deveeloping well rounded personalities

Gail Gaymer Martin said...

Thank you do much. I've found the links very helpful and hope you do too.


CatMom said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing these links, Gail! Great resources for information, and I appreciate your sharing with your readers.
Blessings, Patti Jo

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Gail -

Thanks so much for this information. I'm linking to your post in my Friday Round-Up - #52.

Susan :)

Gail Gaymer Martin said...

Hi Susan - What's Round Up #52? Send me a link.
